I hear it over and over again. Whether someone builds their business to certain size, cashes out in a sale, gets a top role, or even finally decides to retire.
They thought there would be this sense of “arrival.” This sense that they had made it. This sense that finally, they were enough.
And when they don’t get it, they often come to me.
They have been looking in the wrong direction.
A bunch of them have been looking outside. At the stuff and the titles. Figuring that $10 million would do it if $1 million didn’t. And over and over again, they find that more of the same is not enough. I’ve had two conversations with people on this very topic just in the last week.
A few people, sensing they need to look “inside,” have looked at their thinking. Figuring that if they can just change their thinking they can feel better. That they can use affirmations or visualization or the law of attraction to fix themselves.
But the hole remains. Because if you have ever tried to change your thinking, you know how exhausting it is. And how seldom it works.
When I say “look inside,” I’m pointing to something completely different. More fundamental. And when you really see it, it changes everything.
This is something that I can explain, but it is better to experience it. Because it’s not a concept. And I can only point to it with words.
When you see it, you realize you never had to do all that stuff. You see that the universe has always had your back. You were always enough because you, the real you, is actually the source of everything.
The paradoxical result for many is that seeing you never had to do anything to prove your worth allows you to do even more, just for the sheer joy of creating. More ease and more impact. Magic.
If you’d like to talk about this, PM me. I’ve opened a limited number of spots on my calendar. And if you are drawn to what I’m saying, if you sense there might be something here for you, I would love to connect.
I am taking off for the Labor Day weekend. If you reach out and do not hear back, I will connect with you next week.