I’m not saying that as a playground taunt. It’s a serious question.
Because as much as you say you want change, you want more, you want to go after your dream, there is generally some kind of fear that prevents you from going after it. From taking the leap of faith.
You can do this, though. So many before you have. I have.
I had been saying I wanted to be a full-time coach for years. But I didn’t actually do it until I lost my job. I was too afraid of giving up the job that I had, until I no longer had it.
What is the fear that is getting in the way of you going after the thing you really want?
—Fear of not being liked
—Fear of being laughed at
—Fear of financial uncertainty
—Fear of something else?
Look at that fear. Is it real?
I’ve worked with so many leaders who say they fear “losing everything” or “being out on the streets” or “having all their good people leave.”
I have never talked to a single leader who has actually had any of those experiences, as real as the fear seems.
You will figure it out. You have always figured it out.
Whether that is starting a new job or company, or taking the one you have to the next level.
You can do this because you already have.