We are told our whole lives that success works this way—
We work hard, we get the things that we are supposed to get. We achieve. We make money. We get power and status and relationships.
We do it all with the conviction that if we can only get enough and have enough we can (finally) BE enough.
That we can get rid of the nagging feeling inside, the feeling that we have had our whole lives, that there is something missing in us.
But what if that’s exactly backwards?
What if the sense of not enough is only a projection, a story? Made up by our parents, by society, and then, unwittingly, by us? A story that protects us, but also damages us?
The story of you is just a story. Designed to have you feel danger, and to take action to make yourself safe. Except it has gone awry, and there is now no amount of action that you can take that will get you to that point of arrival, of safety, of “enough.”
If you want to get a sense of how crazy the ego is, notice that, if you are like most achievers, you want BOTH to stand out, AND to fit in.
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