Einstein said that the eighth wonder of the world is compound interest.
But each of us has something innate that is even more incredible and even more powerful.
This power operates outside of time and space. It can create and destroy in an instant.
This power is the power of an idea. Your idea.
Most of us dismiss our ideas way too quickly. I am here to change that.
Ideas Come From Nowhere
No one knows where ideas come from.
God? The muse?
I know most of my thoughts are like tired reruns. I’ve seen them before. A lot of them are negative.
But then that new idea comes, seemingly like a bolt of lightning.
When? Why? How do I get more of these?
Practices To Generate More Ideas
As much as my ideas are unpredictable, there do seem to be ways to generate more of them. But the question for me is how to still my mind enough that I can get past the constant chatter to the good stuff that is waiting underneath.
These practices will help your mental chatter slow.
The quieter thoughts that you then have access to will feel more like a knowing. More like something that was waiting for you all along.
Meditate. Certainly the reigning champion in this area. Hard to do but so worth it. Especially since the benefits build over time.
Exercise.There is something about a walk, a run, a ride that clears the head.
Sleep. It is for good reason that the phrase “sleep on it” came into the lexicon.
Shower. Who knows why this works but it seems to for many people. Though I confess this has never been a big one for me.
Converse.This might be my favorite one. Because when you are talking with another person, there are things that come up for you, and the other person, that are created new and fresh and, most importantly, that you never would have come up with on your own.
How To Get Out Of The Way Of Your Best Ideas
Most great ideas never make it into the world. Because the don’t seem “practical” or they seem “risky” or my favorite, “It’s just not the right time.”
But your ideas are bigger than you. Bigger than me. And I am determined to help as many people bring their ideas into the world as possible.
The world needs your ideas. So stop getting it their way.
Stop How-To-Ing
The first thing that I typically do when I have an idea is start making a plan. Thinking about what would need to happen to bring my version of this idea into the world.
That’s incredibly limiting.
Because even if I have a great idea I might not be the best person to bring it into the world or even know the best way of doing that. If you have a better idea of how to bring my idea into the world than I do, everybody wins.
Instead? Start Sharing
If an idea is big enough it will need a team to bring it to life. Different talents, different skills, different connections.
Our instinct is not to share. To think that we have to do it all ourselves. To not want the credit, the spoils, the money to go to someone else.
But there is a reason the idea came to you instead of someone else.
Will it die with you?
If I have a good idea, I feel like the universe has entrusted it to me and that I have a duty to bring it into the world.
But instead of hoarding it, I do this by sharing it with as many people as possible. To allow others to interact with it and influence it. To give it the best chance at success.
To give the universe its chance to work its magic as well. Through connection, coincidence, and all the other tools it has at its disposal.
Your ideas deserve nothing less.
Because they aren’t really yours, right?
Going Deeper
Does any of that resonate with you?
If so, reach out to me and I’ll send you a special video that goes even deeper.
More and more founders like you are coming out of the spiritual closet and seeing their work as a vital personal journey to both abundance and meaning.
This is what I write about. For founders, for original thinkers, no matter where they are in their transformation.
The world needs YOU, in all your brilliance and imperfection.
If you are a founder wanting to scale and sell your company, there are three shifts in identity that can help you do so with twice the impact and half the stress. Take a look at this video.
If you want to build a coaching business where you get to be yourself, help amazing people, and replace your corporate income in the process, here’s a video where I share the top three mistakes I see coaches make when trying to build a sustainable business—
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