No matter what kind of person I am working with or what kind of challenge they are facing, there is a very good (99 plus percent) chance they are living into at least two BIG lies.
We have been told that stuff “out there” will make us happy, and that the way to get stuff out there is to make other people like us.
So we show up how we think others want to see us, to get stuff that we don’t actually need.
And we wonder why we feel like we are missing something.
First lie—you do not need anything “out there.” There is no out there, first of all. Your entire experience of the world is internal so there is nothing out there that can make you happy because there is nothing out there that you ever directly experience. Your experience of life is 100 percent your thinking about life.
Second lie—that you need to be anything other than who you actually are.
The journey of our lives is not the journey to get stuff. It is the journey to being who you actually are, rather than pretending to be someone you are not to get something you don’t actually need.
So, if it isn’t already obvious, most of us are living backwards. We are pretending to be who we are not to get things that we don’t need.
Do you see why you aren’t happy?
The ONLY thing that will ever make you happy is to experience who you REALLY are. You are literally MADE OF happiness, if only you could actually see and experience it.
The work that I do with people shows you that directly, so that it becomes abundantly clear.
You see that at your core, you are a creator. You are creating whatever you are experiencing as your life right now. Innocently, but directly. And you can create something different.
Of course when you see that you are the capacity to create, any sense that you are not enough simply falls away. If you can create anything, how could you be missing something?
And when you create just because you really want to, and not to fix anything lacking in yourself, you end up getting all the things that you thought you needed to make you happy. Your happiness, the purity of your creating, brings all that other stuff to you automatically.