When I saw this quote, which turns out to be the title of book, my heart broke.
Because I see so many people stuck. Having a dream, but still playing it safe.
Saying things like, “Once I have this much money,” or “Once the last one gets through college.” Then I will pursue my dream. Then I will figure out what I am really here to do.
But every day you are one day closer to death. Or to not being able to work.
One day closer to leaving your song unsung.
And none of us knows when that day will come. If a worldwide pandemic has not made that clear, I’m not sure what can.
Take one action today toward the pursuit of your dream. Take one step toward getting clarity. Make one phone call. Send one email. Tell one person your secret dream.
Tomorrow, and every day after, repeat, modify, be willing to be surprised.
The universe can be at your beck and call. But you have to tell it what you want first.
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