On August 2, 2016, five years ago today, everything changed for me.
It was on that day that the universe seemed to say to me, “You really want to be a coach? You really want to move across the country? Here is everything you need.”
Of course, it all came from being fired. So it didn’t exactly look like the best thing that ever happened to me.
At first.
It took a few months, of fear, of panic, of disbelief, before I trusted the bigger forces that were seemingly working behind the scenes, often in ways I didn’t understand.
I walked through the door in front of me. And then I walked through the next, and the next.
Five years later I live in a beautiful place and have a still-growing business coaching wonderful people. I don’t think I’m “there” yet. Far from it. The journey continues, and continues to surprise.
Something is driving, and it certainly isn’t this little thing called “me.”
It never has been.
To be perfectly honest, I still don’t trust it. There is still struggle, still doubt at times. But things do seem to work out. And usually in a way that’s way better than what I could come up with on my own.
Most of my work today is helping others walk through that door to whatever wisdom is showing them is next. To step back and see the larger possibilities that life wants for them, even if (especially if!) they are afraid. To trust their deeper selves in a way that, to this point, they have not.
To stop playing it safe. To stop playing small. To stop resisting what life has been offering them. And to see that they are already whole, already complete, already happy, no matter what they do.
The head will try to tell you all kinds of reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t do the thing that is calling you. It’s just trying to keep you safe.
But you have a felt knowing in your heart, in your gut, in your deepest wisdom. A yearning for a purpose beyond safety. Follow it. It will never lead you astray. And while it might bring struggle from time to time, it will also bring a level of satisfaction, of fulfillment, of complete “enoughness,” like nothing you have ever known.