You probably think I’m quoting an ex-president. Especially because a book just came out with the same title.
But I’m quoting me. And you. And every senior executive I’ve ever worked with.
Because at some point, we’ve all said this, or at least thought it.
In a moment of overwhelm, or hubris, or when we don’t trust our team or know what else to do.
Some of us might even have had a reaction just reading the quote. I know I did!
But that’s because I know I have this part of me that thinks this. Pretty regularly in fact. And I hate it.
But I’ve learned this thought can be a gift.
Because it shows me I’m in a bad state. It practically screams at me, “Don’t make any important decisions right now!”
I’ve learned that it’s my sign to talk a break. To take a walk. Even to take a breath or two.
And when I do that, my thinking begins to settle. The world becomes a bit more friendly. And it becomes clear what I need to do next.
Including finding help.
What do you do when you think you have to do it all?
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