Even though you are likely reading this on March 27, I am writing it on March 21.
I’ve given myself a challenge. Can I step away from work for a full week? Can I do NO work the week of March 25-29?
Those of you who are founders or entrepreneurs can understand how big a challenge this is. I have a team who helps with some things but the big stuff—namely client acquisition and service delivery—is just me.
There is this nagging feeling that if I step away things are going to fall apart without me.
There is this nagging feeling that if I need to be there for my clients and prospects, serving, helping, delivering.
That I need to be checking in, “just in case.”
I help founders come from a more grounded place, but I sometimes do that at the expense of my own groundedness. When I do manage to step away from the emails and notifications, it can be to “think bigger,” which is another way of saying I am just doing a different kind of work.
Another way of being “productive.”
All. The. Time.
It’s exhausting.
Can I Take An Actual Vacation?
This week we are taking our exchange student to Washington, DC. Before moving to Colorado in 2017, I spent 17 years in the DC area, the last ten in Bethesda, MD.
We are staying with our old neighbors, visiting friends, catching up.
We are doing all the tourist stuff with our exchange student (she is from Japan and has never been to DC).
I’m sure we will eat a lot of good food. We will see our oldest, who lives there now but is about to move to Pittsburgh.
And I am going to try like anything to just be there for that.
To take time away without knowing what will happen, what will arise in that space, what will happen when I just allow things to reset.
Can YOU Step Away?
Even a day can help. Even a day can help reset your system, flush out some of the adrenaline and cortisol that make everything look like an emergency.
(That’s right—your stressed state makes things LOOK like emergencies.)
What would a day of just doing nothing bring?
No helpful reading. No strategic planning. Nothing “productive.”
“Doing” as little as possible.
I know it feels really uncomfortable to me.
Can you join me in that experiment?
Let’s compare notes.
Want To Go Deeper?
Does this resonate? More and more founders like you are coming out of the spiritual closet and seeing their work as a vital personal journey to both abundance and meaning.
This is what I write about. For founders, for original thinkers, no matter where they are in their transformation.
The world needs YOU, in all your brilliance and imperfection.
If you are a founder wanting to scale and sell your company, there are three shifts in identity that can help you do so with twice the impact and half the stress. Take a look at this video.
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