My coach said something to me on a recent call that stuck with me.
He said, “You seem like the type of person who isn’t going to hesitate, once you see something.”
When I see something is true, I do tend to take action.
If I see I want something, I move toward it.
If I see I am unhappy, I take steps to change things.
But sometimes it takes me a long time to be willing to admit something to myself.
In 2016, I had a good job. I was really well paid. I loved a lot of my coworkers and I enjoyed a lot of the work. I was willing to keep doing it, even though I really wanted to do something else.
I was in the curse of good enough. I was afraid to admit to myself that I wasn’t doing what was really calling me. I wasn’t willing to quit. It felt risky and selfish, to go after what I really wanted.
To admit to myself that I was not actually happy.
But when I was laid off, things changed. Because I now had the choice between going back, and going forward.
I chose forward.
If you had to start over today, what would you do? If it’s helpful to you, write it in the comments. Decare it.
And know that you can still do that. Just like I did.