By the time a founder or CEO comes to me, they know two things—
First, they know they are getting in their own way.
Second, they know there are very few people who can help them with that.
When More of the Same Is No Longer Enough
You have a success strategy.
There is something that you have done, over and over again, to succeed.
Maybe it’s pleasing people.
Maybe it’s working hard.
Maybe it’s being the smartest person in the room.
It has gotten you to this point. And now, it’s getting in the way.
Coach Marshall Goldsmith wrote a famous book on this phenomenon, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.” His point is that the very strategy that made you successful will at some point turn on you and become a negative.
Trying to please people can mean that you are afraid of the very conflict that will actually build trust and deeper relationships.
Being the smartest person in the room means that you might risk repelling the very people who are most able to help you.
Continuing to work harder and harder is unsustainable. It leads to overwhelm and even health issues.
You need a different strategy. And if you are like most people in your shoes, you only know what you have done, and anything else looks incredibly risky.
You know you are getting in your own way, but you have no idea HOW you are getting in your own way.
You need a different perspective. And that raises the next problem.
No One Dares Tell You The Truth
For many people in your world, you are the most successful person they know.
Some of those people might want to be like you, to emulate you.
But most just want to be near you. They want to be successful by helping you be successful.
You have unintentionally created a group of yes people. Your employees’ sole agenda is often to remain your employee. And they are not willing to say anything that will risk that.
But they are not the only people who have an agenda.
Your spouse has an agenda, perhaps involving getting more time from you for your family.
Your investors have an agenda—getting the most value from you before they replace you with a “professional” CEO.
Your customers have an agenda—that you deliver a top-notch product or service at minimal profit.
No one is thinking about you, not even those close to you.
Your personal fulfillment and happiness is at the top of, at most, one person’s agenda.
No One Can Relate To Your Challenges
“I run a successful company and sometimes I struggle,” is not a problem many people can relate to.
“I sold my company and now I feel empty inside,” is even less relatable.
I’ve worked with scores of leaders who feel guilty about their success even as they hesitate to share the problems their success has created.
So they bottle it up. They freeze.
They convince themselves they are ok, that they are happy, but they’re not.
They have had more success than they ever thought they would.
But they’re bored or even depressed.
They thought a big check would finally make them feel enough. And now they realize they’ve been looking in the wrong direction.
Does This Resonate?
Does any of this resonate with you?
If so, reach out to me and I’ll send you a special video that goes even deeper.
More and more founders like you are coming out of the spiritual closet and seeing their work as a vital personal journey to both abundance and meaning.
This is what I write about. For founders, for original thinkers, no matter where they are in their transformation.
The world needs YOU, in all your brilliance and imperfection.
If you are a founder wanting to scale and sell your company, there are three shifts in identity that can help you do so with twice the impact and half the stress. Take a look at this video.
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