Not perfect as in, without flaws, but perfect as in, “exactly who you are supposed to be right now.”
Despite all the time we spend thinking that we could be different, that we could have done things differently, that anything could (or should) be different than the way things are, I see no evidence that this is true.
The only evidence that I see is that, no matter what we might think about the matter, things, and you, and I, are exactly the way they are because that is the only way they can be.
Otherwise they would be different. Right?
Does that mean we are done learning and growing? Does that mean that we should somehow stop trying to improve ourselves and the planet?
Of course not.
But think of the trillions of events that conspired to bring you right here, right now. From the conditions that had to be just right to create our universe to the conditions that had to be just right to create you.
You are almost infinitely improbable.
Exactly as you are.
Sounds pretty damn perfect to me.
A shout out to my teacher, the late Doug Silsbee, for inspiring this post.