The last of the four ways that spiritual teacher Michael Beckwith says that we can see life is “as me.”
What does he mean by this?
Remember that when life is operating “through me,” we are beginning to drop the small self and sense into the bigger one.
“As me” refers to living as this bigger self. Whatever you wish to call it. Infinite intelligence. Spirit. God. The domain of saints and sages.
Of course, most of us get mere momentary glimpses of “as me.”
But when we do, they are remarkably healing. We see that everything is already perfect. That nothing needs to be done.
We can be grateful when we get a moment to rest as this.
And we can also appreciate when it becomes clear it’s time to work again. Because it is in this “as me” space that insight comes. Whether it is simply about the next thing we need to do, or the bigger purpose that the universe has in store for us.
Have you been in this space? What insights have you had while in it?