People generally come to me for one of two reasons.
First, doing more of the same thing they have always done is no longer working.
You’ve gotten to the point where you can’t work more hours. Where you can’t know every detail.
This served you well early in your career, but now it will sink you.
Unless you change. Because to grow, you need to let go.
If you know what you need to do (let go, delegate, etc.) but for some reason can’t do it, it’s a clear sign we should be talking.
Second, when getting more of what you have always gotten is no longer rewarding.
You’re really good at getting more money, at getting promoted, at getting all the outer trappings of success.
But you’ve done it enough to see that outer success is a dead end. And you don’t yet know what inner success looks like.
That’s another reason that people hire me. To figure out what they will do with the second half of their life, when the scorecard looks very different.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend. I hope that you get some time to think about some of these bigger questions.
Because at some point, I guarantee, more of the same will no longer be enough.
And at that point, let’s talk.