In the movie “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” (EEAAO), the main characters discover that they can tap into alternate universes where they have different capabilities, and bring those capabilities to this universe.
If you are a kung fu master in another universe, for example, you could use that here as well.
I watched the movie and didn’t think, “What if that were true?”
I thought, “Finally, someone is talking about this.”
Because I have always created by becoming the person capable of doing it first. By stepping into another identity (one from a parallel universe, perhaps?) and creating from that.
Even when I didn’t realize I was doing it.
The simplest model of the universe that fits with our current understanding of quantum physics is that there are innumerable parallel universes, a multiverse, if you will, in which everything has happened that on can conceive of happening. See “Something Deeply Hidden” by Sean Carroll for a layperson’s explanation of this.
Yet most physicists dismiss this because it does not match up with our everyday experience. In effect, they want to make the world more complicated to keep themselves small.
But what if the simplest explanation is that yes, you are capable of anything?
I choose to believe in the multiverse, and my ability to influence the parts that I experience. Not because I know it is true, but because believing it, believing that I have already accomplished everything, enables me to create a version of myself that has the courage to take on my biggest dreams. Like supporting founders at every stage of creating their dreams, and creating a company to do that at a larger scale.
What do you choose to believe, not because it is true, but because it is useful?