I watched Inception with my 13-year-old this weekend. It’s fun showing Christopher Nolan movies to him for the first time, seeing how much he understands at first pass.
But the truth is I do it for me. And there is so much in Inception about how we create in the world, about how ideas can take hold in us and never let go.
But it was this quote, near the beginning of the movie but repeated in different forms throughout, that really hit home for me.
My leap of faith came in 2016. I had just lost my corporate job. I had successfully delayed doing what I really wanted to do. I kept telling myself that in two more years, I would start my coaching practice.
I had been on that two year plan for about ten years.
But now the plane was at 10,000 feet. My parachute, in the form of my savings and my newly found extra time, was strapped on. I was standing in the doorway, and the only question was whether I would jump, not only into coaching, but also in a move across the country to a small mountain town in which I had met exactly two people.
I jumped. And I’ve never looked back.
Today, I find this is the key moment for people. They know THAT they want make a change. They sometimes even know exactly what kind of change they want to make.
And the stand at the open door, waiting to leap, sometimes for years.
If you are that person, I am here to help you. To give you that little push and ride with you on the way down. To watch the chute open and see the smile on your face as it does.
Don’t be that person who lives a life of regret.
Take the leap of faith. And if you’d like support, reach out to me.