Most of the people I coach have already been tremendously successful. They might have goals, but there is a goal behind the goal. A reason they work so hard.
Happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment.
Generally, they think there is something missing, that there is some way in which they are fundamentally flawed. And there that there is some external achievement they can get that will convince themselves and the world that they are actually ok.
That finally, they are enough.
At some point, though, they see that external business success does not lead to any of those things. They see that they have been looking outward for too long. Falling for the cultural truth that happiness comes from results.
Most people know this isn’t true, but cling to it because they don’t see any alternative.
My work is to show you that alternative and enable you to live from it.
I start by showing you that the universe is entirely within you.
When you see that there is nothing outside of you, it is inescapable than any work you do is inner work. There is only inner work. When you see that you are not the world you have created, but the infinite potential creating that world, what you do with that potential changes. You see that you don’t need anything to be whole. You are already whole. You are already everything.
With nothing it, creating gets a lot more fun. And, not surprisingly, brings a lot better results.
The doing comes from the being. It can be no other way.
If you don’t like what you are creating, or if it looks like someone else is creating it (they aren’t), it might be time to look inward.
Which is really the only place you can ever look.
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