The curse of being a coach is that you see what is actually possible for people.
The things that people don’t see for themselves.
The things that people REFUSE to see for themselves.
I’ve asked myself why that is. Why people refuse to try. And the only conclusion that I have come to is that fear, now, is more difficult than regret later.
The regret will come. On some level, we all know it. We’ve felt it. The times that we didn’t play all out. That we could have done just a little better and it would have made a huge difference.
We told ourselves at the time that the effort wasn’t worth it, or that we really weren’t good enough. That we were certain that we would try and fail. Because sometimes we have, and it hurts.
So we tell ourselves that things are “really good” right now, in that high pitched voice that isn’t really convincing anyone.
If you see a ceiling, that’s you creating it. Saving yourself the disappointment of trying and failing.
What if you really committed to something bigger? What would that success mean to you? To your sense of fulfillment and meaning and purpose? To the family who sees you at your very best instead of the malaise you keep saying is “really good?”
Sometimes it just takes a person or two in your corner, an encouraging word at the right time, to change everything.
Let me know if you would like that in your life. Let me know if you would like to see what is really possible.