It can feel so overwhelming right now. As I write this, we are in the midst of a global pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes, a questionable economy, demonstrations on racial injustice, and a bitter and monumental presidential election. My wife said some days she feels like the world is ending.
Trying to manage through the uncertainty can be intense.
I’ve found that especially during uncertainty, Purpose is the key that unlocks everything.
That when Purpose is clear, a personal purpose aligned to a corporate purpose aligned to a societal purpose, that miracles can happen.
Fear drops away. Commitment skyrockets. Seemingly impossible things happen with ease. Because people feel connected to, and supported by, something bigger than themselves. Do you see that in your life? At your company?
If so, congratulations. I want to hear more! Leave a comment below and tell me what you are up to!
And if you are struggling with that, I have a gift for you. Sign up for my free book in the sidebar at right.
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