The one person you always let down
If you have ever followed Gretchen Rubin, she divides the world into quadrants, based on whether you are able to meet your commitments to other people, and to yourself.
Most high achievers (and many of the people I coach) are what she calls “Obligers.”
These are people who are great at meeting the commitments that they make to others.
And they are horrible at the commitments they make to themselves.
Because of this, they often feel like they have done all the right things but are left empty, exhausted, and even resentful.
Why do I mention this?
Because there is something about finding your #purpose that seems to flip that switch.
When you identify and live from your purpose, suddenly, commitments that used to seem like commitments to yourself are now commitments to others.
Things that used to seem optional are now essential. (And other things seem much less important.)
Suddenly you find yourself getting more done, with more passion, more energy, more fulfillment.
You share your genius. And the world needs all of your genius right now.