Why do so many people seem paralyzed, like the proverbial frog in the hot water, or the deer in the headlights?
They know, on some level, that they need to take action. That they need to make a change.
Every fiber of their being knows it. Yet they delay.
98 percent of people don’t do anything, even as they see friends and colleagues make changes, take on new challenges, create successes they didn’t think were possible
The conclusion that I have come to is this–
They trust their thinking over their knowing.
What do I mean by this?
When’s the last time you said, “I knew I should have…”?
How did you know?
That’s your inner knowing.
It’s time to start believing it. And to see what’s possible when you do.
Your thinking will always keep you small. Your thinking is there to protect you, to keep you safe. Not to make you happy. Your thinking, disguised as “realism” or “practicality,” will always advise you to stay put, or that now is not the right time. But your knowing knows different.
The people who take action are the people who believe their knowing over their thinking.
That’s the only difference I see between success, and regret.