We are so creative that we miss how creative we are. How powerful we are.
Quantum physicists tell is that the world “out there” is a just an indeterminate haze of possibilities until a conscious being observes it.
At that moment, in a process called “quantum collapse,” one of the myriad possibilities emerges, driven in large part by what the conscious being expects to see.
(This is how Schroedinger’s Cat can be both dead and alive at the same time.)
Your brain takes information from your sense organs and combines it with your own history and beliefs and creates a model of reality and you live in that model. Scientists tell us, for example, that only about 20 percent of what we see is new information. The rest is reconstructed in our brains based on past experience.
Every person does that for themselves. Every person is living in their own reality.
There is no separately existing objective reality—only the quantum collapse that each observer creates.
You are creating your model just as I am creating mine. Your entire life you are creating a model and then living in that model as if it is solid and real.
And yes, creating yourself as someone who is not creative is one of the possibilities. But given you can create anything, can choose any of myriad possibilities, why on earth would you create that one?
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