Most of the high achievers I work with have spent a long time overcoming things.
Several had almost no money in childhood, and their strategy for life success was to get really good at creating money.
A few have been children of immigrants, and they have lived with the story that they had to make their parents’ sacrifice worthwhile.
Many have had some sort of parental abuse, or have seen their fathers abuse their mothers, or vice versa.
Some kind of substance abuse often shows up as well.
Many people have dealt with these situations and not adapted in the same way. They have adopted the stories that they were victims of their incredibly difficult circumstances and that there was no way out.
But the thing to note here is that each person created a story of who they were and came from that story. Each person was able to create or not create based on their origin story, which they created, often unconsciously.
You and I are doing the same thing. And unless we see it, we continue to create it, over and over again. Your story becomes an invisible habit. And like any habit, once you are aware of it, you can change it.
Who do you want to be? How will you create it as a new, conscious habit?
Not sure of what the story is you have created about yourself? Take a look at what you have created in your life, how far you have come from where you started, and you will quickly get a very clear sense of what you believe about yourself and the world.
What is it you have created? And what is it you see you can create instead?